Some birthday reflections……………..

I like to sit back and reflect when it comes to my birthday or towards the end of the year. I like to look at what I have learned over the year, what I don’t want to do anymore, what I wish to do more of and things I need to improve upon. So with that in mind here is my reflections for my birthday year:

1. It is so important to be happy

Happiness is the ultimate achievement in my eyes. It is the base line upon which everything else in our lives revolve. So this year I made it my mission to strive for happiness in all areas of my life.

2. Dare to dream, and dream big

I think we are conditioned to have only achievable goals. Hell I even talk about making sure things are achievable on the blog. The dreaming though I am talking about is all to do with the big dream you have the one that scares you to pieces but you still have the gust to want it. That my friends is to dream and to dream big!

3. Have/find a good support network

I love the saying and have used it for years now ‘a friend is for a reason season or lifetime’ I don’t know who first said it but boy oh boy I think it rings true. And what I have learned this year is just how valuable it is to have a couple of ‘lifetime friends’ than to have loads of reason or season friends. Don’t get me wrong there is a place for all but wow if you arm yourself with lifetime friends and wonderful family you cannot go wrong in my eyes.

4. Know your truth

This is a recurring thought for me that folks have not walked in your shoes so how could they possibly know what your thinking/feeling. Only you know that and only you know all the facts around your decisions and actions period.

5. Stop doing things you don’t want to do!

It can be such a thankless task people pleasing – lord you are speaking to the Queen of this up until a couple of years ago when I simply had enough of it and started to do what I wanted to do. It can be hard and your resolve may waiver but keep strong my friends!

6. Health is everything

I learned this the hard way over the past year when health was questioned within my family. It was tough but it allows you to see what is important and looking after yourself can be the single most important thing that you do for yourself.

7. RAC is the way to go

Random Acts of Kindness (RAC) is what keeps us connected to each other. It is a wonderful phenomenon and can make someones day with little effort. Go on try it.

8. Be kind to yourself

Seriously all negative talk just needs to stop right now! If you think about how you constantly talk to yourself you would never allow someone else to talk to you in that way so why oh why do you think it is OK to speak to yourself in that way? Stop it right now.

9. Travel at every opportunity

Travel feeds my soul that is what I have learned this year. I love visiting new places and reacquainting myself with old familiar places. It allows me to reset my own compass and this year traveling has gone from a luxury to a necessity in my life.

10. You are enough

Let me repeat this – you are enough! You are enough! Keep repeating until you believe it as its dam true!

So with these reflections I am going to take the summer off to have time to live in the moment. Have a wonderful summer folks and I will speak to you soon.

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